Contact Us


Our friendly staff are on hand to help you with your enquiries!

Feel free to give us a call or use the contact form below to make an enquiry. If you are looking for venue hire, then please CLICK HERE for more information and to get an instant quote.

Contact Details

(02) 4033 8800

After Hours 0422 805 470

2163 Nelson Bay Rd,
Williamtown NSW 2318

Opening Hours

Worimi LALC – 8am to 4pm Monday – Friday

(except public holidays)

SDA – 9am to 4pm Open every day (except some public holidays)

Board of Management

Leigh Ridgeway – Chairperson
Uncle Neville Lilley
Aunty Valerie Merrick
Glen Newlin
Rhonda Finlay
Jemma Mcleay
Nadine Russell
Kyle  Finlay
Allan Anderson
Justin Ridgeway

Current Worimi LALC Staff


Andrew Smith— CEO
Jackie Henderson— Business Facilitator
Donna Witt— Administration Assistant
Natalie McFadyen— Finances
Joanna Smith — SDA Office Administration
Elizabeth Slater —  Office Administration
Travis Cobb – SDA Office Assistant
Jake Simon – SDA Office Assistant
— Culture, Heritage & Education
Jim Lawrence—   Culture, Heritage & Education
Vicki Griffiths – Culture, Heritage & Education

Grounds Staff

Jamie Merrick— Senior Sites Officer
Stephen Ping— Grounds Staff
John Witt— SDA Maintenance

SDA Staff

Scott Newlin— SDA Tour Manager
Robert Chaffey— SDA Tour Guide
Matthew Newlin – SDA Tour Guide
Joshua Merrick – SDA Tour Guide
Travis Cobb – SDA Tour Guide
Ross McEntyre – SDA Tour Guide
Ray Edgerton – SDA Tour Guide
Aden Callaghan – SDA Tour Guide
Rodney Lake – SDA Tour Guide

Green Team

Richard Kime – Grounds Staff
Brett Chambers— Grounds Staff
Mikayla Tarrant— Grounds Staff
Bryan Weatherly— Grounds Staff
Jasmin Gundy – Grounds Staff
Joel Richie – Grounds Staff
Mary Greenwood – Program Manager