Project Description


Worimi LALC Membership

The Worimi LALC currently has 330 Members with 277 of those registered as voting members.

With an estimated total of 1211 Aboriginal people in the Port Stephens region (over the age of 18yrs) the Worimi LALC membership base represents approximately 27.25% of the total Aboriginal population, meaning that 72.75% of people who have identified as being of Aboriginal descent in the ABS Census data collection, are not active in the LALC network and/or are not members of the Worimi LALC.

As a subset of the Aboriginal demographics of Port Stephens, there is a need to analyse comparisons from both sets of data to provide activity direction.  By assessing the whole of the area (including non-members), the Worimi LALC can determine where development of the wider Aboriginal community might occur over time.

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